Wednesday, February 28, 2007

SMARTboards and differentiation

Joe Scrivens presented about how he used Notebook to differentiate lessons for multi levels of ability in the classroom.Notebook also allows for different learning styles, the cloner for example lets you build words from parts. All the learning styles can be built into the lesson. By using colors to jazz up the bullets, it may make it easier for some students to read and remember. Now we have time to build our own lessons in Notebook.

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Ms Sigman said...


I am a high school science educator using a SMART board in my classroom on a daily basis. I have to say I don't know what I would do without one now. I don't ever write on a regular white board anymore. I actually rarely use the Notebook program on the SMART board. Instead I go through worksheets with students, or present to them using powerpoint which I can write on myself to make extra points or discuss ideas brought up by the class. There are also many multimedia tools on the web that students can experience together with a SMART board. My favorite thing though is to put an idea or a question on the board and sit down. This is when my students get to go up and write their ideas on the board or share ideas/answers with each other.

It should be said though that just like any technology whatever kind of teacher you are without a SMART will be the same kind of teacher with a SMART board. If you are a lecture only, direct instruction teacher a SMART board will not change that. It will just give you another avenue to be the same kind of teacher. However if you are on the other end of the scale. You will be just as much of a constructivist with a SMART board. You will just have a tool that (I think) makes interacting and thinking together much easier.

All of that being said there are 8 SMART boards and 20 classroom teachers at my school. To my knowledge there are only two of us currently who actually use the boards on a regular basis. The other teachers in my school do not want to spend the time and energy necessary to learn how to use one even when the offer is frequently given to help them.

Cheryloakes50 said...

Ms. Sigman,
Thank you for that great observation and comment. We have been having this same conversation at the as well as at Women of Web 2.0 podcasts at
I hope you will join us for some of these conversations. You are never alone in your classroom any longer, there are always other teachers who will support your learning as you support theirs. Thanks for the comments.