Join the Women of Web 2.0 at 9 PM Tuesday as we discuss many webtools. This week, April 10, we are discussing the following.
The Horizon Report 2007 states that virtual worlds are going to be a significant trend on college campuses in the next 1-5 years but there are some educators already doing it.
The Guests
Beth Ritter-Guth is a pioneer who is teaching literature in Second Life (SL). (Shakespeare in SL, to "prim or not to prim?") She has taught me so much and is very patient! We have a lot to learn from her.
Dr. Allan Webb is the founder of and has an amazing story to tell about how a difficult book became very teachable in a 3D environment.
This is not technology focused as both of our interviewees are teaching literature! It will be exciting!
We have agendas for these shows. I'm going to share a pared down version with you:
If any of the following interests you come along tonight. If you can't make it you can listen to the podcasts which will be posted by Thursday at
WOW2 April 10, 2007 Agenda: The Potential for Virtual Worlds in Teaching
First 5 minutes - our WOW's of the week (where we share the coolest new stuff we've found!)
I. Guest Intro
(Brief bio, what doing now, and how they first got into virtual worlds and what they do now in virtual worlds.)
II. The current uses of virtual worlds in teaching
Observations from those who are doing it.
Dr. Webb -- How he first started literary worlds and the improvements he saw.
Beth - How she first started using second life and she you uses it in the classroom now.
III. Where do you see this going?
Beth - What do you think can be done in SL or other worlds that will help teaching? Are you seeing things happen in SL that will change things?
Dr. Webb - Where do you see sites like virtual worlds going in the future?
Beth's response
IV. Current Trends and Reports and your Reactions -
The Horizon Report 2007 listed virtual worlds and massive multiplayer gaming as becoming important parts of the college educational experience in the next 1-5 years? Do you agree with the time frame? Do you think college profs will agree or disagree with this?
A new report has emerged questioning the validity of software in helping achievement... do you think this has the potential to also stymie the growth of virtual worlds and give ammunition to the incredulous?
V. Safety
SL and Teenagers -- What can we do to safely use this tool. Beth, let's start with you, we want the audience to understand the issues about bringing K-12 into SL and the limitations.
Dr. Webb - are there safety issues in virtual worlds?
Over and Out! Cheryl
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